Yousef Rashidi

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-02-27

Yousef Rashidi

Environmental Sciences Research Institute (ESRI) /

Journal Paper

  1. "An Investigation of the Urban Air Pollution Regarding Mixing Depth in Tehran Metropolis Using the AERMOD Model"
    Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, Vol. 14, pp.1553-1562, 2020
  2. "Verification of IVE Model for SAIPA Co. Fleet Emission"
    Shima Alipourmohajer, Yousef Rashidi, Farideh Atabi
    Pollution, Vol. 5, pp.235-245, 2019
  3. "Development of Reduction Scenarios Based on Urban Emission Estimation and Dispersion of Exhaust Pollutants from Light Duty Public Transport: Case of Tabriz, Iran"
    Mina Jamshidi Kalajahi, Leila Khazini, Yousef Rashidi, Saeed Zeinali Heris
    Emission Control Science and Technology, Vol. 6, pp.86-104, 2019
  4. "A Novel Method for Improving Air Pollution Prediction Based on Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study Applied to the Capital City of Tehran"
    Mahmoud Delavar, Amin Gholami, Gholam Shiran, Yousef Rashidi, Gholam Nakhaeizadeh, Kurt Fedra, Smaeil Hatefi Afshar
    ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 8, pp.99-118, 2019
  5. "An Innovative Method to Allocate Air-Pollution-Related Taxes Using Aermod Modeling (Case study Besat Power Plant)"
    Mahsa Tamjidi, Yousef Rashidi, Farideh Atabi, Parya Broomandi
    Pollution, Vol. 4, pp.281-290, 2018
  6. "Analytical Decision Supports System for Urban Air Quality Management in Tehran Meteorological and Photochemical models"
    Hossein Shahbazi, Hosseini Vahid, Yousef Rashidi, Parya Broomandi
    Iranian Journal of Health Safety and Environment, Vol. 5, pp.1017-1026, 2018
  7. "Simulation of mineral dust aerosols in southwestern iran through numerical prediction models"
    Parya Broomandi, Bahram Dabir, Babak Bonakdarpour, Yousef Rashidi, Ali Akherati
    Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 37, pp.1380-1393, 2018
  8. "Modeling of Air Pollutants Dispersion by Means of CALMET/CALPUFF (Case Study District 7 in Tehran city)"
    joneidi neda, Yousef Rashidi, farideh atabi, Parya Broomandi
    Pollution, Vol. 4, pp.349-357, 2018
  9. "Evaluation Euro IV of effectiveness in transportation systems of Tehran on air quality Application of IVE model"
    Zahra Ghadiri, Yousef Rashidi, Parya Broomandi
    Pollution, Vol. 3, pp.639-653, 2017
  10. "Identification of dust storm origin in South West of Iran"
    Parya Broomandi, Bahram Dabir, babak bonakdarpour, Yousef Rashidi
    Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, pp.2-14, 2017
  11. "An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Air Pollution and Health Case Study Tehran"
    journal of administrative management, education and training, Vol. 13, pp.104-118, 2017
  12. "Mineralogical and Chemical Characterization of Suspended Atmospheric Particles in Ahvaz"
    broomandi parya, bahram dabir, babak bonakdarpour, Yousef Rashidi
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 11, pp.55-62, 2017
  13. "Identification of the sources of dust storms in the City of Ahvaz by HYSPLIT"
    p Broomandi, b Dabir, b Bonakdarpour, Yousef Rashidi
    Pollution, Vol. 3, pp.341-348, 2017
  14. "Air Quality Analysis by Using Fuzzy Inference System and Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering in Tehran Iran between 2009 and 2013"
    , , , Yousef Rashidi,
    Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 45, pp.917-925, 2016
  15. "Prediction of CO concentrations based on a hybrid Partial Least Square and Support Vector Machine model"
    Bijan Yeganeh, Majid Shafie Pour Motlagh, Yousef Rashidi, Hamidreza Kamalan
    ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 55, pp.357-365, 2012
  16. ""
    Hadi Zahedi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi, Yousef Rashidi
  17. "Tehran Air Pollution Estimation Improvement"
    Mahmoud Reza Delavar, Amin Gholami, Gholamreza Shiran, Yousef Rashidi, Gholam Reza Nakhaeizadeh, Kurt Fedra, Smaeil Hatefi Afshar
    Vol. 9, pp.87-99, 2020
  18. "Performance of acoustic noise barriers in the Sayyad Shirazi Highway in Tehran"
    Hadi Zahedi, Yousef Rashidi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    Vol. 18, pp.226-235, 2020
  19. ""
    Hadi Zahedi, Yousef Rashidi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    Vol. 4, pp.876-883, 2019
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    Maral Rashidi Fard, Yousef Rashidi, Majid Amiri
    Vol. 6, pp.27-35, 2018
  21. ""
    Parya Broomandi, Yousef Rashidi
    Vol. 16, pp.49-64, 2018
  22. ""
    Panahi1 Atieh, Fathollah Ommi, Yousef Rashidi
    Vol. 15, pp.89-102, 2017
  23. ""
    , Yousef Rashidi,
  24. "Air Quality Analysis by Using Fuzzy Inference System and Fuzzy C-mean Clustering in Tehran Iran from 2009-2013"
    Amir Abbas HAMEDIAN, Allahbakhsh JAVID, Saeed MOTESADDI ZARANDI, Yousef Rashidi, Monireh MAJLESI
    Iranian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 45, pp.917-925, 2016
  25. ""
    , Yousef Rashidi, hosein hasankhany
    Vol. 12, pp.25-34, 2015
  26. ""
    , , Yousef Rashidi
    Vol. 12, pp.93-100, 2014

Conference Paper

  1. ""
    Yousef Rashidi, mahsa tamjidi, fatemeh hasani
    , 2017
  2. "Air Quality of Ahvaz Iran Application of HYSPLIT and WRF/Chem Models"
    Parya Boroumandi, Bahram Dabir, Yousef Rashidi, Hamed Sharifi, Mohammad Askari
    3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2016
  3. "A General Overview of Air Quality with Focus on Dust Storm Challenges and Improvements"
    Yousef Rashidi
    Legal Responses to Dust Storm, 2015
  4. ""
    Maral Rashidi Fard, Yousef Rashidi, Mahdi Jalili Ghazizade
    , 2018
  5. "Identification of Dust storm origins in South- West of Iran Khoozestan province"
    Parya Broomandi, Bahram Dabir, Yousef Rashidi
    , 2018
  6. "Simulation of mineral dust aerosols from Southwestern Iran"
    Parya Broomandi, Bahram Dabir, Yousef Rashidi
    , 2018
  7. ""
    mahsa tamjidi, Yousef Rashidi
    , 2018
  8. ""
    Mohsen Rahimian, Yousef Rashidi
    , 2018
  9. ""
    Hadi Zahedi, Yousef Rashidi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    , 2018
  10. ""
    Hadi Zahedi, Yousef Rashidi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    , 2017
  11. ""
    Hadi Zahedi, Yousef Rashidi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi
    , 2017
  12. ""
    Hadi Zahedi, Yousef Rashidi, Seyed Hossein Hashemi, Farshid Safari
    , 2017
  13. ""
    Yousef Rashidi
    National Conference On Enviroment, 2016
  14. ""
    Shahin Mafakheri, Yousef Rashidi
    National Conference On Enviroment, 2016
  15. ""
    Yousef Rashidi,
    the 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering (ICTTE 2015), 2016
  16. ""
    Yousef Rashidi,
    the 15th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering (ICTTE 2015), 2016
  17. ""
    Yousef Rashidi
    , 2015
  18. ""
    Yousef Rashidi,
    , 2015
  19. ""
    Yousef Rashidi,
    , 2015
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    Amir Salemi, Yousef Rashidi
    The 2nd Industerial Engineering Conference, pp.1-21, 2003